“And the stern, vague, soft, waving of the velvets
Filled me, penetrated me with unknown terrors!
15 So much so that, to make short — that anguish, I rose
Muttering: ‘Tis a pilgrim that hath knocked at my door,
A traveler or a pilgrim that hath knocked at my door,
That, and nothing, nothing more!’”
– “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe
Nevermore is the latest creation of Cantina Luretta. A sweet white wine produced by drying Malvasia Aromatica grapes on the vine, aged for eight years in 100-liter barrels made of oak, cherry, chestnut, and acacia woods. Unfiltered and naturally clear thanks to the slow aging process, Nevermore is an exclusive wine with an intense and refined flavor that offers a perfect balance between sweetness and acidity.
In 2021, Nevermore won Slow Wine’s highest award, joining the guide. The Top Wine award, besides celebrating excellent organoleptic qualities, is given to those wines which can condense in the glass characteristics related to terroir, history, and environment. The attribution of this award also implies the total absence of chemical weeding in vineyards.
Località Castello di Momeliano
29010 Gazzola (Piacenza)
P.I. – C.F. IT00678430190
Tel. +39 0523 971 070
Fax +39 0523 971 589
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